Monday, December 20, 2010

Passenger-Side Clutch Cover

After finishing the brake line clamps, I decided to tackle something a little larger. I rummaged through one of the parts boxes and pulled out a bag with a few bolts and a small rust-covered panel. The bag was labeled "p-side clutch cover."

To remove the old paint and significant surface rust, I had to make use of a larger wire wheel that I attached to my drill. Here is what it looked like as I was getting started with the clean-up process.

You may be able to see on the left where I had already begun grinding off the rust and old paint. The paint came off quickly, but the rust was fairly stubborn. There were a couple of spots where the rust was pitting the metal, but it wasn't super bad. I managed to get all the rust off and follow up with some 100-grit sandpaper to get the surface smoothed out.

The grinding job took about 30 minutes, accompanied by a ton of noise--not sure my neighbors appreciated it, but it needed to be finished!

The photo below shows the clean, bare metal just before I broke out the primer.

After a couple coats of primer, the clutch cover looked much better.

I'll give it until tomorrow to dry, and then I plan on a light sanding, followed by another coat of primer. Once that is good and dry, I will--as the Stones sang--paint it black!

A separate post of the finished product will appear later, once I figure out which paint I want to use.

Brake Line Clamps

This week I worked on cleaning up a bag labeled "brake line clamps." The bag had several "clips" that were obviously used for securing metal brake lines to the interior body, and a grab bag of bolts, nuts, screws and washers. All were very cruddy as evidenced by the photo below.

The clips off the rag are cleaned up, and the two on the rag are still covered in gunk, rust, etc. I used the wire brush and a pair of Vise Grips to scrub and hold each part respectively. This took a couple of evenings to finish.

After cleaning everything, I sprayed the clips with some white Rustoleum primer to keep them protected until I need to install them, which may be a couple of years at the soonest. I will likely paint them black to match a lot of the other black metal hardware pieces of the bugeye. This should contrast nicely with the color of the car.

Here are the clips all nice and clean, and covered with a coat or two of primer. The cleaned nuts, bolts, washers, and screws are also shown.

These parts are now re-bagged and labeled, and stuffed in a small-parts box (a shoe box) that will keep them clean and protected. I still need to add these to my spreadsheet, and figure out part numbers to cross-reference them with. I'm pretty positive that I am missing a couple of bits and some may ultimately need replacing.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Since it will be a while before I can run the sprite down the road, I like to watch videos like this one. It helps inspire me to continue scrubbing nuts and bolts. Someday, those nuts and bolts will be a functioning roadster!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I haven't had much time to dedicate to the sprite this past week or so, but I did discover a method for restoring the cockpit surround trim pieces. I put it to work on the front piece since it will be covered in the same material as the dash; if I screwed it up, no worries.

The restoration consisted of sanding out scratches with 100 grit sand paper, followed by a pass with 150, 220, and 320 grit. The final step before polishing was a tedious pass with super fine steel wool to make it smooth.

Polishing was a bit easier. I used a couple of different polishing compounds. They were a little difficult to work with, so I may find another type of polish that achieves the same result without the hassle. The picture below is the finished piece contrasted with an unfinished one.

Hopefully the lessons learned with the first piece will speed up the process with the remaining three. And then it's back to cleaning nuts and bolts for a while.